Banking Strategy Consultant | IBM- Lagos, Nigeria

Job Details:
As a Strategy Consultant for IBM, you'll have the unique opportunity to bring these elements together, and enhance the value that we bring clients. In this position, you'll work directly with clients to determine their business issues and recommend solutions that drive business value. You'll use your in-depth consulting skills, analytical expertise and business knowledge to determine business objectives, as well as processes, measurements and appropriate tools for formulating hypotheses and testing conclusions that result in the best solution for business needs. As a Consulting Practitioner, you'll work collaboratively with clients to develop integrated business and operating strategies, and models, that create rapid and sustainable value. You'll help clients envision their future, as well as align business and technology to create new possibilities, develop the strategies and plans to achieve those possibilities, and manage the change as the vision is implemented. Do you like solving tough problems? Then you'll like consulting at IBM. Join us.
*.Bachelor's Degree
*.At least 6 years experience in Banking
*.At least 6 years experience in Technology & Strategy
*.At least 6 years experience in transformation expertise in various Business services sector.
*.English: Fluent
*.At least 7 years experience in Banking
*.At least 7 years experience in Technology & Strategy
*.At least 7 years experience in transformation expertise in various Business services sector...
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