Finance Specialist | UNDP- Nairobi, Kenya

Job Details:
The Finance Specialist promotes a collaborative, client-oriented and consistent approach in FRMU with due diligence as regards rules and regulations.
The Finance Specialist supervises and leads the staff of the FRMU. The Finance Specialist works in close collaboration with the senior management, operations, programme and project teams in the CO, UNDP HQ staff, and UN Agencies and Government officials ensuring successful CO performance in Finance.
The Finance Specialist serves as the Deputy Head of Nairobi Support Office (NSO) and leads the staff of NSO in the absence of the Head.
Duties and Responsibilities
Summary of Key Functions:
*.Effective and accurate financial resources management and oversight;
*.Implementation of operational and financial management strategies and procedures;
*.Projects’ budgets management and organization of an optimal cost-recovery system;
*.Control of CO accounts;
*.Control of CO cash management;
*.Facilitation of knowledge building and sharing.
Ensure effective and accurate financial resources management and oversight, focusing on achievement of the following results:
*.Financial analysis and oversight for all resources managed by the CO and provision of high-quality professional advice to the CO management;
*.Proper planning, expenditure tracking and audit of financial resources, including extra-budgetary income in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations;
*.Organization and oversight of CO cash management processes, including liquidity management, recommendation of imprest level, risk assessment, bank relationship management, timely accounting and reconciliation of all transactions, security for cash assets on site;
*.Monitoring of financial exception reports for unusual activities, transactions and investigation of anomalies or unusual transactions. Provision of information to supervisors and other UNDP staff at HQ on the results of the investigation when satisfactory answers are not obtained;
*.Member of bank signatory panel;
*.Liaison with other UN agencies to obtain estimate of their cash requirements;
*.Participation in common-services management with aim to effective cost-recovery.
Ensure implementation of operational and financial management strategies and procedures, focusing on achievement of the following results:
*.Full compliance of financial activities, financial recording/reporting system and audit follow up with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies; implementation of the effective internal control, proper design and functioning of the financial resources management system;
*.CO finance business processes mapping and elaboration/establishment of internal standard operating procedures in the Finance Unit; control of the workflows in the Finance Unit;
*.Continuous analysis and monitoring of the financial situation, presentation of forecasts for development and management projects;
*.Elaboration of the framework and conditions of contribution within the CO resource mobilization efforts;
*.Elaboration and implementation of cost saving and reduction strategies (including introduction and development of e-banking);
*.Routinely monitors financial exception reports for unusual activities, transactions, and investigates anomalies or unusual transactions. Informs supervisors and other UNDP staff at Headquarters of the results of the investigation when satisfactory answers are not obtained...
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