Senior Maternal Newborn Health Technical Manager | Save the Children International- Nigeria

Job Details:
The Senior Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) Specialist will provide leadership in all maternal and newborn health-related technical areas, with a particular focus on newborns as theTechnical manager of the Saving Newborn Lives (SNL) project.S/he will provide state-of-the-art technical inputs into the development of the content and implementation strategies for evidence-based, high impact NBH interventions. S/he will advance the MNH work of Save the Children in Nigeria though a strong focus on internal programming, national policies and external partnerships. S/he will oversee newborn health-focused projects and studies, ensuring sound management and effective implementation through each project team. Externally, s/he will work in close collaboration with external partners, including the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), in particular the Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health divisions; relevant national-level Technical Working Groups (TWGs) and sub-committees; WHO, UNICEF, and other UN agencies; development partners; NGOs; research institutions; and other stakeholders.
Technical Leadership
*.Provide technical leadership and support to the MNH components of Save the Children’s projects, in particular newborn health
*.Provide leadership and technical assistance in newborn health to the FMOH and other in-country development partners, including support to the development of relevant newborn health-focused national plans, strategies and policies
*.Provide technical assistance for the development and implementation of newborn health-related behavior change strategies and activities
*.In collaboration with Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) colleagues, support the development of feasible and effective monitoring approaches for newborn health-focused interventions and projects
*.Coordinate with external partners (including but not limited to FMOH, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency NPHCDA, JSI/TSHIP, CHAI, JHPIEGO/MCSP, Mama Ye, Society for Family Health, Wellbeing Foundation, Society for neonatal medicine (NISONM), Pediatrics Association of Nigeria) to support the development of training manuals, supervision and monitoring tools, communication materials, job aids and other technical materials to support the implementation of newborn health interventions
*.Conduct periodic field visits to Save the Children health projects and studies to monitor the technical quality of newborn-focused interventions
*.Initiate and lead the Save the Children Nigeria internal MNH technical meetings ensuring that all Save the Children projects working on newborn health coordinate and collaborate effectively, promoting the sharing of technical resources, learning and mutual support
*.In collaboration with MEAL and other technical colleagues, develop research protocols and tools related to newborn health and support newborn health-focused research activities
*.Prepare research papers, presentations and scientific articles based on primary research conducted by Save the Children projects and studies, and collaborate with other technical experts to identify suitable opportunities for sharing evidence from Save the Children newborn health-focused programming...
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